
Snow Storm Pax

In the Mid-Atlantic, the 2014 winter presented many opportunities. A few too many, for me.

During the storm Pax, it was anything but peaceful. Western Maryland was hit often with major storms, and I couldn't bear another photo of white. I needed to find color in the cold winter, and that meant getting out of bed a lot earlier than I prefer.

I found an elevated position, some streetlights, icicles, and, finally, a person. Given the pulsating nature of modern lighting, the streaks of snow flakes became jagged strips during a slow hand-held exposure. I put the field of focus just beyond the hanging icicles to keep the scene soft. The blurred motion of the walker, the chaotic movements of the snow flakes, and, oh yeah, my frigid shaking hands, yielded a snow photo that really is about color and light.


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